The value of the resistor is marked on the body using colors. Every color is different number and you can remember these numbers or you can just use the table on next step. OR there are much resistor calculators that you can use. It's for the laziest people :D . However it's your decision ,and I will show you all ways to calculate resistor value. COLOURS Here is the table with the colors and numbers. As you can see they are: BLACK: 0 BROWN: 1 RED: 2 ORANGE: 3 YELLOW: 4 GREEN: 5 BLUE: 6 VIOLET: 7 GREY: 8 WHITE: 9 But this is not for all colors. From right to left the second color is multiplier. Digits from the first colors must be multiplied with the number of this color. BLACK: 1 BROWN: 10 RED: 100 ORANGE: 1000 YELLOW: 10000 GREEN: 10000...